Know your audience

Someone said it best “Everyone has a story to tell or product to sell; know your audience before you open your mouth”

Researching your audience is an important first step towards delivering an inspiring presentation. Failure to do the home work can mean failure. At a minimum, your message would be diluted and it won’t have the impact it could have. A better audience research would mean more focused message touching the cord of your audience.

The more you research, the more you know how much you don’t know

Know as much as possible about your audience; know their likes, dislikes, behavior, needs, what defines them … etc. All those great presenters, they understand the pulse of their audiences – that’s what makes them great. Once you know what your audience want, preparing the presentation will be like icing the cake.

Why are they listening to you?

Do you understand their needs? These are important questions which you should ask yourself. Try understanding their needs; it will help you to devise strategies to connect with them better.


There are various tools available to understand the audience better. Some of the most important and powerful tools include the following:

Online surveys:

If you know the list of people attending your presentation, online survey is a great tool to connect and know your audience. Surveys also help create a buzz around your presentation which will be a added boost.

Talk to the experts:

Talk to the experts who have done presentations to a similar group. Sometimes it’s best to take expert advice.

Research Social communities:

Online communities are a great place to start your research. It gives you an instant door opening to millions of people across the globe. You can leverage the collective wisdom of the online communities

Research reports:

Research reports perhaps are the most authentic source for detailed insights. A well researched report can also provide valuable talking points substantiated with supporting data points.

In summary, knowing your audience is an important first step towards building an inspiring presentation. The more you know about your audience, the better your chances of delivering a focused and impactful pitch.