Best Ways To Reduce Your Designed Presentation File Size

Presentations with lots of media are excellent. Aside from increasing file size, using high-quality photos and videos frequently increases user engagement. Increasing the size of your presentation’s file will probably cause it to exceed the acceptable limit for email attachments, but it will also make PowerPoint operate much slower.

Best Ways To Reduce Designed Presentation File Size:

  • Condense Selected Images Into A PPT File:

In the majority of PowerPoint presentations, images make up one of the biggest sections. They can be compressed to make your PowerPoint file smaller. Choose one image from the PowerPoint PPT file to begin the compression process. There is a Picture Format tab on the ribbon. To access the Compress Pictures option, click this tab.

When you choose the Compress Pictures option in PowerPoint, a new pop-up menu will appear where you can modify the compression options for the chosen image. You can also hire Outsource PowerPoint Presentation Service to get the best results.

Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

  • Consolidate Every Image In Your PowerPoint:

Following our discussion of the advantages of picture compression, let’s move on to the topic of batch image compression. A Presentation Company in India provides the services of making your PPT the most creative but you may try on your own also.

We’ll continue to work on the Compress Pictures menu. Go over to Picture Format Compress Pictures when an image is selected. Apply to: All images in this file is an option on this menu. Your photographs will be reduced in size and have the same result.

  • Keep Your PowerPoint Files In Zip Format.

An Outsource PowerPoint Presentation Service provider says that it is beneficial to compress your PowerPoint slides files after you’ve saved them. If you wish to distribute your PPT slide shows to others, you can use built-in Mac function. Select the file where your file is located after saving it. If you right-click the file, a dropdown menu with numerous options will display. The one you’re looking for is marked ‘Compress’, then your file’s name.


  • Add Photos By Selecting The Insert Tab:

The greatest approach to make your PowerPoint slides more engaging is with photos. But occasionally they can be a problem if you ever need to shrink PPT files. However, that doesn’t imply you should exclude photos from your slide presentations. To include them in your slides and benefit from decreased file sizes, utilize a different method. Presentation Company in India give the best possible look to your PPTs for professional uses.

You might discover that using a PPT template allows you to simply drag and drop photos into your slides. This is the simplest and quickest way to include images in your slides. But the file size is also a cost. Slides that you add images to using drag and drop are not at all compressed.

  • PDF- Based PPT Slide Sharing:

Let’s be honest. Slides in PowerPoint are designed to be shared. As a result, you should always be aware of ways to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file. In addition, you require that anybody with whom you share slides be capable of reading and watch them on just about any device. Fortunately, achieving these two objectives simultaneously is simple.

You can learn how to quickly reduce the size of a PowerPoint presentation by saving the presentation as a PDF file. Plus, practically any device can read PDF files. Additionally, they occupy less disk space than.ppt or.pptx files. They don’t add the format options that PowerPoint does when displaying your presentations.

  • Cut Down On Embedded Characters:

Fonts have a significant role in how to reduce the size of a PowerPoint presentation. In order for other users to be able to see your custom fonts, you must make sure they are visible. Even if they don’t have the fonts loaded on their machine, that is still accurate. You must cut down on these fonts to reduce the size of the PPT.


Do you feel that trying to make your PowerPoint file smaller means sacrificing style? Think again. You are able to combine the best of both worlds with the help of best Presentation Company in India.

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